Enjoy the Romance of Venice 8264811126058039098-blid-8294094060335275226


มาแล้วครับ!! เลขเด็ด ปฏิทินจีน เข้าทุกงวด ประจำวันที่ 1 กรกฎาคม 2562


While at Venice, be sure to visit all the important sights. Ranking at the top of the list of attractions is the majestic ancient church, Basilica di San Marco. Surrounded by azure water, this church is constructed with golden mosaic known for its splendor and uniqueness. Venice is one city in the world where you can come home feeling mesmerized even if you have not explored the city much. Such is the beauty of Venice that it enchants you the minute you step foot on it.
from: http://ezinearticles.com/?Enjoy-the-Romance-of-Venice&id=5343438